1-6400 kVA
The direct alternative current is conditioned and supplemented by external power supply known as the Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) System. Previously, it was used for computer systems but when its valuable benefits were observed, it found its use in various areas such as factories, cordless phones, motor etc. It can be used for getting long power back up as an inverter. You can choose the size and functions of the UPS depending upon the demand and supply. Critical load shedding and uncertain disruption of power supply can be sorted with good quality UPS.
Mono phase 1/1
Protection and runtime for residential applications or workstations
Tree phase 3/3
High performance,
3-phase power protection with ultra high availability and efficiency for any size data center.
Mix phase 3/1
Intelligent and efficient network power protection from entry level to scaleable runtime.
High density, double-conversion on-line power protection with scalable runtime.
Compact three phase power protection with excellent efficiency.